Uncle Mikes QD Super Swivels for Most 12ga o/u & single barrel shotguns 1593-2
$63.00 Incl GST
Uncle Mikes Quick Detach Super Swivels for 1" slings
This set fits guns with barrel or magazine tube diameters of .800"-.850"
Browning Superposed 12s, B80 Auto
H&R 162, 1212
Ithaca Deerslayer II (pre-1993)
Mossberg Abilene, 44 pistol
Remington 48, 870, 1100
Ruger Over/under 12s
Savage Semi-Automatic shotguns
Winchester 12, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500
We stock all Uncle Mikes QD Super Swivels for all Barrel and Magazine Tube Combinations.
If you can't find what you are looking for please ask a question or email the store and we will sort you out.