Hornady Lock-n-load Cartridge Headspace Bushing A330
$25.00 Incl GST
Hornady Lock-n-load Cartridge Headspace Gauge Bushing - works with overall length gauge and Bullet Comparator Body
A .330" #A330
17 Remington
204 Ruger
221 Remington Fireball
222 Remington
222 Remington Magnum
223 Remington
220 Swift
The Hornady Lock-N-Load Headspace Gauge is perfect for measuring from the case-head to the datum line on the case shoulder to allow proper brass resizing for a precise fit with the rifle chamber. Bushings fit the comparator body (sold separately) and attach to the caliper with a thumbscrew. Can be used with bottleneck cases from 17 cal through large belted magnums.