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Ar15 keylock rail full floating handguard 380mm long, ** p licence required to purchase **

$280.00 Incl GST

Key-lock floater tube for AR15

NOTE: there are only 2 pieces of 135mm pic rail with each handguard

476gms without the bolt on pic rails

380mm long, which means it can go right over a low profile gas block and leave the suppressor just poking out the front

Internal diameter is 46mm, so will easily clear our 41mm diameter suppressor bodies.

Has own barrel nut, see pics. You will need a pronged spanner to fit it up tight, but a strap wrench might get it.

No fitting instructions with this at all, so if you don't know how to do it better to send it all down to us and we can sort it for $25 plus gst.

Comes with two 135mm pic rail, which you can put where you want, or leave them off completely

Without the key lock pic rails, the diameter of the tube is 52mm and nice to hold without too many projections

Can be shortened, but would need to work around the existing penetrations, to avoid sharp ends.

Can fit for $25 + gst

Made in Asia somewhere, fitted plenty of these and they are just as good as the outrageously expensive US ones (and just quietly a number of US marked ones in NZ started life in wingpongolia!!!)